Vitamins and Minerals: How To Get Them, Nutrition | HealthKart's Blog (2024)

English4 MIN READSep 2, 2024

What is ABC Juice? Discover its Benefits and Side Effects

ABC juice, a combination of apples, beetroots and carrots, is a popular beverage with numerous health benefits. Known for its refreshing taste,...

5 MIN READSep 2, 2023

Important Minerals for Our Body

There exist some nutrients that can be super beneficial for our body’s functioning but are not naturally found in the body. Minerals are among...

3 MIN READApr 21, 2023

Vitamin B9 ( Folic Acid): Why is It So Important?

Ever pondered the significance of vitamin B9 in your daily nutrition? We’re here to demystify it. Vitamin B9, also known as folate or folic...

Vitamins and Minerals5 MIN READApr 19, 2023

World Liver Day: Essential Vitamins for Liver You Must Know About

On April 19 every year, World Liver Day is celebrated in order to create awareness about the diseases related to liver. Your liver is constantly...

6 MIN READApr 3, 2023

Vitamin U: Have You Ever Heard About It?

Many people may not be well aware of Vitamin U, or it would not be classified into vitamins. It originated in the early 1950s to describe a compound...

6 MIN READJan 2, 2023

Potassium Deficiency: Here’s What You Probably Didn’t Know

The human body requires a balance of several nutrients in order to function efficiently. While we are mostly focused on macronutrients like protein...

6 MIN READDec 31, 2022

How to Choose the Best Multivitamin

Multivitamin supplements are a vital part of daily nutrition support. They support your health and are essential to ensure that you get all the...

5 MIN READDec 27, 2022

Vitamin A and Gut Health: How are the Two Connected?

Our gut microbiome plays an important role in keeping us healthy. The predominance of gut-friendly bacteria helps us maintain a lean physique,...

5 MIN READDec 4, 2022

Is There Something Called ‘Vitamin F’?

Vitamin F is not a vitamin in its true sense. It is a combination of two essential fatty acids. But like vitamins, the two fats are essential...

5 MIN READNov 25, 2022

The 10 Best Dietary Sources of Zinc

Zinc is an essential mineral that is required for various bodily functions. Since the body is unable to store zinc, meeting the daily requirement...

5 MIN READNov 25, 2022

Is Himalayan Salt Better Than Table Salt? Let’s Find Out!

Pink Himalayan salt is quite different from table salt. The difference begins with the extraction method. Pink Himalayan salt is extracted from...

5 MIN READNov 16, 2022

Selenium Rich Foods: Are They Good for Your Immunity?

Selenium is an important trace mineral that can be found in many foods. The human body only requires minimal amounts of selenium but it has a...

1 MIN READOct 27, 2022

विटामिन बी 12 के लाभ जो जानने ज़रूरी हैं

विटामिन बी12 का सेवन आमतौर पर तब किया जाता है जब व्यक्तियों...

1 MIN READSep 14, 2022

विटामिन डी का महत्व: वह सब कुछ जो इसे आपके स्वास्थ्य के लिए महत्वपूर्ण बनाता है

विटामिन डी, जिसे सनशाइन विटामिन भी कहा जाता है, शरीर के...

Vitamins and Minerals6 MIN READSep 1, 2022

Vitamin C for Face: Why We Should Rely Upon It

Vitamin C for face is the new buzzword. Vitamin C is being touted as a potent anti-ageing serum. The antioxidant properties play a key role in...

5 MIN READAug 29, 2022

Understanding The Efficacy of Vitamin-Rich Oral Strips

Taking supplements to fill the nutritional gap has become the order of the day as individuals have little time to plan a nutritional diet. Oral...

Vitamins and Minerals5 MIN READAug 13, 2022

Vitamin B12 for Vegetarians: Best Food Sources to Choose From

Sourcing vitamin B12 for vegetarians is the most difficult task. Vitamin B12 is the most essential nutrient for the vital bodily functions and...

6 MIN READAug 9, 2022

Vitamin B12 Benefits You Must Know

Vitamin B12 is normally consumed when individuals are diagnosed with B12 deficiency. But Vitamin B12 benefits include managing the homocysteine...

1 MIN READAug 6, 2022

विटामिन डी की कमी: लक्षण और समाधान

विटामिन डी की कमी तब होती हैं जब शरीर को सूरज की रोशनी या...

6 MIN READJul 29, 2022

Importance of Vitamin D: Everything That Makes It Pivotal for Your Health

What is Vitamin D? How are Vitamin D Levels Controlled? Importance of Vitamin D Reasons for Vitamin D Deficiency Recommended Intake of Vitamin...

3 MIN READJul 24, 2022

3 Overlooked But Essential Nutrients That Should be a Part of Your Diet

3 Nutrients You Should Not Miss Out On Tips to Remember Conclusion There are a wide variety of nutrients that is important for the proper functioning...

4 MIN READJul 24, 2022

Understanding the Importance of Vitamin A

Vitamin A Types 6 Benefits of Vitamin A Conclusion Vitamin A is a fat-soluble nutrient, vital for maintaining the health of your eyesight, reproductive...

6 MIN READJun 28, 2022

Magnesium for Anxiety: A Detailed Guide

Magnesium plays an important role in bodily functions and also benefits the overall health of the body. Studies have shown that consuming magnesium...

5 MIN READJun 9, 2022

Do We Get Our Minerals from Water?

Drinking enough water every day is important for good health. Water, that aids in a range of body functions, is the main constituent of body...

Vitamins and Minerals: How To Get Them, Nutrition | HealthKart's Blog (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.